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Professor Admir Masic’s lab featured in The Tech

The Laboratory for Multiscale Characterization and Materials Design, led by Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Professor Admir Masic, was featured in The Tech. Graduate student Linda Seymour was interviewed for the profile and spoke […]

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Summer In Santiago

By Christine Langston I’m spending the summer (or rather winter in the southern hemisphere) in Santiago, the capital city of Chile through a MIT program called MISTI (MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives). I’m interning with […]

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Bone-inspired Materials by Design

MIT engineers in collaboration with colleagues from Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy are achieving functional diversity in materials by combining a few pure components as building blocks to create diverse structures. The researchers selected bone to […]

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The resilience of Admir Masic

Marilyn Siderwicz Civil and Environmental Engineering A former Bosnian refugee — and new CEE faculty member — finds parallels in his life, his research, and a current political crisis. In his first week at MIT, Assistant […]

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Marta Gonzalez Presents Papers on Urban Social Networks

Professor Marta Gonzalez recently spoke in Lucca, Italy in conjunction with ECCS ’14 (the European Conference on Complex Systems), a major international gathering devoted to complex systems and interdisciplinary science. She presented two papers on the […]

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