By Sophia Mittman ‘22 We made it! Today was the first day of our ONE-MA3 adventure in Italy where about fifteen of us budding MIT engineers will learn from the masterful and ancient techniques of Roman […]
By Sophia Mittman ‘22 We made it! Today was the first day of our ONE-MA3 adventure in Italy where about fifteen of us budding MIT engineers will learn from the masterful and ancient techniques of Roman […]
Donald and Martha Harleman Professor Heidi Nepf and recent PhD student Jiarui Lei published research in the Journal of Fluids and Structures titled “Blade dynamics in combined waves and current” and in Coastal Engineering, titled “Wave damping by flexible vegetation,” that […]
Graduate student Audrey Bazerghi and PhD student Cherry Gao won first place in the Patagonia Case Competition. Patagonia, the sustainable apparel company, organizes an international case competition each year in order to solve pressing challenges within environmental sustainability. […]
Professor Eric J. Alm, Herman L.F. Von Helmholtz Career Development Assistant Professor Tami Lieberman, and graduate student Shijie Zhao published research in Cell Host & Microbe titled “Adaptive Evolution within Gut Microbiomes of Healthy People.” The researchers combined culture-based population […]
Associate Professor Otto X. Cordero, postdoctoral associates Julia Schwartzman and Manoshi Datta, together with research affiliate Tim Enke discover simple assembly rules for polysaccharide-degrading marine microbiomes. The researchers showed that these microbiomes can be decomposed into functional modules, with […]
Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Assistant Professor Admir Masic and graduate student Hyun-Chae Chad Loh, published research in ACS Central Science titled “Mapping and Profiling Lipid Distribution in a 3D Model of Breast Cancer Progression,” as […]
McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler was named a 2018 Materials Horizons Outstanding Paper Prize winner, awarded by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The award was given for his paper titled “Bioinspired hierarchical […]
Executive director of the Concrete Sustainability Hub Jeremy Gregory outlines a new pavement maintenance model accounting for future uncertainties in cost and deterioration. Gregory and researchers proposed a new approach to long-term infrastructure preservation, called simulation […]
By Rayna Higuchi ’20 Hi CEE! I’m Rayna, a student in the Mechanics and Materials track, blogging about my experiences in Course 1. Today I’ll be talking about the class Mechanics of Materials (1.035), taught by […]
On February 15, 2019, CEE hosted their annual research speed dating event that brought together faculty, postdocs, undergraduates, graduates and research scientists to present their research findings and objectives. The presentations were followed by a panel […]
scientist Dr. Judah Cohen collaborated with Professor of Biological Engineering Ernest Fraenkel, two Stanford University PhD students and a Microsoft researcher in a Subseasonal Climate Forecast Rodeo Competition and won first place in 3 out of […]
McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler and the Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics (LAMM) was featured in the New York Times for their research about the camouflaging characteristics of squid. Due to tiny […]
McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler, former postdoc Anna Tarakanova and Claire Hsu ’20 published a paper in Science Advances about the use of spider silk for robotics muscles. The spider silk’s robustness […]
PhD student Josh Moss studying Atmospheric chemistry in Professor Jesse Kroll’s Lab, is examining the chemistry of gases and particles in the atmosphere that humans are releasing, and their interactions with existing particles in the atmosphere. […]
McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler, research scientist Francisco Martín-Martínez, and research affiliate Jingjie Yeo from the Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics (LAMM) published a paper in Nature Communications on paraffin-enabled graphene […]