Research from Colette Heald, Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of CEE, research scientist David Ridley and Professor Jesse Kroll, shows that the Clean Air Act saved more lives than initially estimated by the U.S. Environmental […]
Research from Colette Heald, Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of CEE, research scientist David Ridley and Professor Jesse Kroll, shows that the Clean Air Act saved more lives than initially estimated by the U.S. Environmental […]
[fusion_text]Professor Oral Buyukozturk recently received a $1.3 million research grant from Shell to develop innovative technologies to detect and characterize oil operation induced earthquakes in areas near urban populations and to study the effects in neighborhood […]
[fusion_text]New research from Associate Professor of CEE and Chemical Engineering Jesse Kroll and James Hunter PhD ’15, now a technical instructor in DMSE, fills in significant gaps in the inventory of organic compounds in the atmosphere. […]
[fusion_text]The Darwin Project, an alliance between oceanographers and microbiologists in CEE and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), received funding from the Simons Foundation to expand computing resources to model microbial communities. The […]
[fusion_text]Bacardi and Stockholm Water Foundations Professor of CEE and Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Dara Entekhabi was recently elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for his leadership in the hydrologic sciences. More information about […]
[fusion_text]New research by Bacardi Stockholm Water Foundations Professor Dara Entekhabi and a team of researchers found that extreme precipitation is expected to increase in California due to Earth’s warming climate. The researchers studied large-scale atmospheric features […]
[fusion_text]Professor Oral Buyukozturk and postdoc Hao Sun teamed up with professor Nafi Toksöz and postdoc Aurélien Mordret, both of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), to create a computational model that utilizes ambient […]
Principal investigators will receive grants of up to $100,000 per year for up to two years for innovative research on food and water challenges. The Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and Food Security Lab (J-WAFS) has […]
Kelsey Damrad Civil and Environmental Engineering Sixth Annual CEE Research Speed Dating showcases research to promote collaboration Approaching a global challenge from the bottom up often results in transformative large-scale impact. Such is the theme that […]