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Moshe E. Ben-Akiva

Moshe E. Ben-Akiva


  • B.S. 1968, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
  • M.S. 1971, MIT
  • Ph.D. 1973, MIT

Research Interests

Transportation systems analysis; intelligent transportation systems; demand modeling; econometrics, infrastructure management.

Teaching Interests

Demand Modelling; Econometrics

Selected Publications

  1. Ben-Akiva M., Lerman S., 1985, Discrete choice analysis, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts.
  2. Ben-Akiva M., De Palma A., Kaysi I., 1991, ‘Dynamic network models and driver information systems’, Transportation Research A, vol.25A, no.5, pp.251-266.
  3. Ben-Akiva M., Bowman J.L., Gopinath D., 1996, ‘Travel demand model system for the information era’, Transportation, vol.23, no.3, pp.241-266.
  4. Ashok K., Ben-Akiva M., 2000, ‘Alternative approaches for real-time estimation and prediction of time-dependent origin-destination flows’, Transportation Science, vol.34, no.1.
  5. Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Burton D., Koutsopoulos H.N., Mishalani R., 2001, ‘Network state estimation and prediction for real –time transportation management applications’, Networks and Spatial Economics, vol.1, no.3/4, pp.317-324.
  6. De Jong G., Ben-Akiva M., 2007, ‘A micro-simulation model of shipment size and transport chain choice’, Transportation Research Part B, vol.31, no.9, pp.950-965.
  7. Walker L. J., Ben-Akiva M., Bolduc D., 2007, ‘Identification of parameters in normal error component Logit-Mixture (NECLM) models’, Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol.22, no.6, pp.1095-1125.