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Heidi Nepf

Heidi Nepf


  • B.S. 1987, Bucknell University
  • M.S. 1988, Stanford University
  • Ph.D., 1992, Stanford University

Research Interests

The Nepf Lab studies the interaction of flow with aquatic vegetation and the feedbacks to sediment transport, chemical flux and ecosystem function. We develop models for physical processes that determine how vegetated habitats (green infrastructure), such as seagrasses, salt marsh, and mangroves, provide coastal protection, mitigate anthropogenic nutrient and pollutant loads, and provide blue carbon reservoirs, with the goal of applying these models to improve the management of natural resources and the design of green infrastructure.

Awards and Honors

  • IAHR M. Salim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award 2023
  • Fellow, American Geophysical Union 2018
  • ASCE, Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award 2019
  • Chi Epsilon Honor Member 2017
  • 18th Harold Jan Schoemaker Award 2013

Teaching Interests

  • Fluid mechanics, surface water transport processes, physical limnology.

Selected Publications

  • For selected publications please visit Professor Nepf’s home page.