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Staff Spotlight


Jarina Shrestha: Staff Spotlight

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Jarina Shrestha: Staff Spotlight

Jarina Shrestha was a recipient of this year’s MIT School of Engineering Infinite Mile Award for her extraordinary contributions to the CEE and MIT community.

Hometown: I grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal

Role: Director of Administration and Finance

How long have you worked in CEE?

Since 2018.

Why did you want to work at MIT?

People that I worked with, very international & diverse, flexibility

What’s your favorite thing about working in CEE?

The people that I work with.

Describe your job in three words?

Problem solving, support, manage

Where is your happy place?

Where my family is.

What is the latest book you read?

Long walk to Freedom, autobiography of Nelson Mandela.

What’s a fun fact few people know about you?

I am taking ballroom dancing lessons.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

My family.