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Undergraduate Student Life



MISTI Bikepacks the Atacama

By Shannon Wing ’22 When hearing about the Atacama Desert from my coworkers, I immediately knew that it was where I wanted to go for my one long weekend of the summer. Not until a few […]

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Flying Drones in the Construction Industry

Zachary Roberts ’21 Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)—also known as drones—are disrupting the construction industry. They provide a cheap alternative for aerial surveying and surveillance, which has attracted the interest of many contractors and sent them in […]

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Classrooms & Carbs: Two Weeks in Europe

By Meghan Reisenauer ’19 Last January, I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel to Hawai’i for research through the CEE department’s TREX program. This year, I wanted to spend my last IAP (yes, my graduation is impending!) […]

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Gordon Engineering Leadership Program (GEL)

By Amber VanHemel ’19 GEL or the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program is a one to two-year program for juniors and seniors interested in developing leadership skills. GEL is preparing me to not only be aware of […]

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Abroad in Israel: Optibus Opportunities

By Amy Vogel ’20 In the past two months that I’ve spent in Tel Aviv through MISTI Israel, I’ve had the unique opportunity to progress and grow alongside a company that’s doing the same. Since I’ve […]

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Abroad in Israel: The High-Tech Tel Aviv Dream

By Amy Vogel ’20 After three great months living it up in Haifa at the Technion, I moved to Israel’s The-City-That-Never-Sleeps to live the modern-day high-tech Tel Aviv dream (well, for two months). Selfie on the […]

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