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TREX Day 3 – Plant Life

By Rayna Higuchi ’20 Today was a pants kind of day. Our group started off adventuring into the woods behind the house to take something called a transect. Professor Dave Des Marais walked 50 feet straight […]

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TREX 2019 Day 1: Setup and Exploration

By Rayna Higuchi ’20 Today was the first full day that the TREX group spent in Hawaii. The morning was used for setup, with different groups going to stores, setting up drones and sensors, and buying […]

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TREX 2019 – Preparing for Hawaii

By Viban Gonzales ’20 I’m Viban Gonzales, a junior in course 1 taking 1.091: Traveling Research Environmental Experience, or TREX. Next week, we are going to the big island of Hawaii to do fieldwork and research […]

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TREX Day 2- Exploring with the Plant Group

By Janice Shiu ’20 Today, the TREX group split into two groups, the atmosphere group and plant group. While the atmosphere group set up meteorological sensors at Kaʻū High & Pāhala Elementary School, the plant group […]

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TREX 2017: The fieldwork learning curve

[fusion_text]Learning from the successes and failures of fieldwork | Tuesday January 17, 2017 | Lily Dove When most people think of science, they think of sterile labs, faceless people in white lab coats and gloves, and […]

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TREX 2017: First day of fieldwork

[fusion_text]Sensor Squad | Sunday January 15, 2017 | Alexa Jaeger Today was the first real day of field work. We split into two teams for the two different projects: sensor squad and the UAV team. I […]

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TREX 2017: From MIT to Hawaii (Eventually)

[fusion_text]Every year, a group of MIT students and professors travel to the Big Island of Hawaii to gain fieldwork experience through TREX (Traveling Research Environmental EXperiences). The first TREX trip was held in 2000, and since […]

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