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Undergraduate Opportunities

Course 1 students have a number of different opportunities to engage with the community and expand their educational horizons.


Traveling Research Environmental Experiences (TREX) is a three-credit field research course offered during Independent Activities Period (IAP) by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to students majoring in Civil or Environmental Engineering. TREX (Course 1.091) provides CEE undergraduates with the opportunity to gain hands-on fieldwork and research experience in a global context. Past expeditions have generated enormous enthusiasm for learning about earth systems and determining how these systems can be managed in a sustainable way.

UROP and mini-UROP

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) projects complement faculty research and provide context for classroom studies. For first-years and seniors, the department provides funding to support UROPs with faculty in the department. In addition, CEE is active participants in the School of Engineering’s SuperUROP program and we plan to expand the opportunities in future years. If interested in a UROP, please contact the Academic Programs Office (APO) at or contact the faculty member you are interested in conducting a UROP with directly.

The mini-UROP is a 6-unit subject (1.097) over IAP (Independent Activities Period) in which first-year students are paired with a CEE graduate student or postdoc mentor for an inside look at the exciting researching taking place in the department. Many mini-UROPs have the opportunity to develop into full term UROPs in the spring.

To be notified of projects for our upcoming mini-UROP, please fill out this form.

FPOP Program

See what CEE is all about with Discover Course 1(DC1)—Join current students, faculty, and staff for a week of hands-on modules that explore the wide range of topics Course 1 encompasses. Team up with other first-years as you learn about engineering applicationsbybuilding turbines, participating in a 3-story egg drop, and other dynamic activities. You’ll explore the city of Boston with upperclassmen mentors and end the week with a friendly competition, applying your engineering solutions to MIT’s campus that we all call home. Apply through the Office of the First Year.

CEE Internship Program

Interested in advancing your career? CEE is here to help! We will utilize alumni connections and help you take advantage of  various institute and departmental resources to ensure you secure an internship that is best suited for you. Reach out to the Academic Programs Office at to setup a time to meet!